Gallagher Report 001: CARB Rules, Wildlife Diversity, AWO conference

The Gallagher Report: February 21, 2025

Legislative Update: Tracking Maritime Policy

The 2025 legislative session is in full swing, and the Marine Exchange of Puget Sound remains actively engaged in monitoring and shaping key bills that impact our industry. Here are some highlights from our legislative tracker:

  • HB 1689: Emission Standards for Ocean-Going Vessels at Berth – We continue to oppose this bill, as it proposes adopting California’s one-size-fits-all approach to at-berth emissions. Washington’s unique maritime infrastructure and leadership in clean energy solutions deserve policies tailored to our region’s needs.
  • HB 1167: Maritime Career and Technical Education – We proudly support this bill, which advances educational pathways for maritime professions. I testified in favor of HB 1167 before the House Education Committee on February 11.
  • SB 5652: Reducing Environmental Disparities in Port Districts – This bill, while well-intentioned, raises concerns about its potential overlap with existing programs. We’re closely monitoring its progress and will provide feedback as needed.

The Marine Exchange’s advocacy ensures that Washington’s maritime community has a seat at the table as decisions are made. If you’d like more details on specific bills, feel free to reach out.

WA Wildlife Diversity Advisory Council: Collaboration for Conservation

This past week’s exchange with the WA Wildlife Diversity Advisory Council reinforced the value of finding common ground among user groups. Trina Bayard’s comments struck a chord: “Infighting among user groups at a time when there are significant threats to our core, shared conservation values is not a good use of our time and resources.” I couldn’t agree more. As council Chair, my goal is to be useful—supporting WDFW’s mission while ensuring balanced, pragmatic solutions for wildlife and industry alike.

Upcoming Engagements

  • American Waterways Operators (AWO) Conference – March 5, 2025: I’m honored to be speaking at AWO’s upcoming conference, discussing how the Marine Exchange’s technology and collaboration efforts support safer, more efficient maritime operations. This will be an excellent opportunity to connect with industry leaders and share our work. My topic is “West Coast Shipping: Beyond the Numbers.”
  • Interview with Jake Beattie, Northwest Maritime Center – February 27, 2025: Next Thursday, we’ll sit down with Jake Beattie to discuss maritime innovation, workforce development, and how the Northwest Maritime Center is shaping the future of our industry.

National Harbor Safety Committee: Shaping Best Practices

This past week, I participated in the National Harbor Safety Committee Steering Team meetings—an invaluable forum for sharing ideas and advancing national best practices for safe, sustainable port operations. Our region’s unique challenges and innovations are helping inform solutions nationwide.

As always, thank you for your engagement and partnership. If you have insights, questions, or suggestions, I’d love to hear from you.

Until next time, stay safe and keep navigating forward.

Patrick Gallagher
Executive Director, Marine Exchange of Puget Sound
Chair, WA State Wildlife Diversity Advisory Council

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